One night my 7-year-old son wanted me to tell him a story by heart. I’ve made a tale about a monkey talking to fish in the water. My little boy rightly questioned it: “Monkeys can’t talk underwater Dad!”
I wanted to tell him stories that were both funny and instructive. I wanted to incorporate the knowledge I have gathered for 15 years from various teachers. This is how my book ‘The Three mMagic seeds’ were created. I read out my book in my little boy’s kindergarten and from then on the kids wanted to hear the miracle seed tale every day for 2 weeks straight. While reading, the children’s faces and reactions inspired me to write more storybooks in which I write educational messages hidden in the stories.

I am Peter Jones a storybook author, lifestyle coach, and hotel owner. Thanks to my business, which I’ve built 16 years ago, I have enough free time to write my stories for children with introspective and beautiful pictures.
You can already find my books in the biggest bookstores like Libri, Bookline, Lira, and Anima.
With the tales, I want to help you, so that your child can go to bed with positive thoughts. I want to reach as many families as possible and give them creative thoughts that I’ve learned from great teachers around the world. For that reason, the pricing for my books is as low as possible.
I would be very grateful if you could write me at after you have read a story of mine.
I wish you a pleasant reading experience!
Peter Jones